Surrey Furnace Service: Electric, Propane or Natural Gas? Which One Should I Choose for My House?

There are certain things that we only think about when the need arises – if your furnace is over 15 years old, for example, chances are you’ll be considering replacing it in the near future. After all, this type of device doesn’t last forever and there comes a time when updating is necessary to avoid a headache (like a cold house on a winter’s day!).

With that in mind, we prepared this article to address some of the most common types of furnaces on the market – electric, propane and natural gas. If you have questions about this and would like to better understand how these devices work to make a better choice, keep reading.

New Furnace Service: What to Consider?

Regardless of the type of device you choose, there are a few things to consider. Here they are:

  1. Size: This depends on the size of your property, insulation and climate;
  2. Efficiency: We can find single-stage unit furnaces and multi-stage unit furnaces – the more units, the more efficient the device.
  3. Additional features: today we can also find appliances with features such as dehumidifiers and smart thermostats, for example – these are very useful functions, but they make the appliances more expensive.
  4. Warranty: yes, furnaces are devices made to last for several years, so warranty and extended warranty are interesting – check this possibility before closing the deal.

It is also important to emphasize that it is essential to have a reliable HVAC professional to help you with this task. As important as it is for you to understand what type of device you are choosing and buying, it is the technician who will be able to help you and give you valuable information so you can reach the ideal model. If you are in the Vancouver and Burnaby area, you can count on the help of Nation – to get in touch, just click here.

Types of Furnaces

Now we can move on to the different types of furnaces that we find on the market today. There are a number of possibilities, but today we will address the most common and used – interesting to note that the way they work in very similar ways, but they have some particularities. check out

  1. Natural Gas Furnace

Natural gas furnaces are among the most common and used today. It usually has a higher installation cost than other models, but the monthly costs turn out to be lower, which makes it a good option considering the long term.

Also, they need a connection to the municipal gas line – a technician can also help you with this. The operation of the device itself is quite similar to that of an electric furnace, as they also use a flame to heat the exchanger. The exchanger transfers this heat to the air and the furnace sends this hot air to the ducts.

  1. Electric Furnaces

Another very common type of furnace is the electric one. This type of device is usually the cheapest to install, but the monthly costs are usually a little higher. The operation is very similar to the previous model, with the difference that they use electricity to create heat.

  1. Propane Furnaces

This type of device heats the air by converting liquid propane into gas. Installation costs are cheaper than a natural gas furnace, but these appliances are also considered to be slightly less efficient.

What’s the Best Type?

As we always like to point out around here, there is no model that is the best. There is one that is best for you and your home. That’s why we always recommend a conversation with an experienced technician in the area.

But in general, we can say that electric models can be good options for those looking for savings (especially at the time of installation). For small properties, electric or gas furnaces are good options. For large properties, gas models may work best.

Furnace Service in Surrey

It is also worth remembering that, regardless of the type of device chosen, it is interesting to take into account that they need annual professional maintenance to ensure that everything continues to work well. If you need help with both installation and preventative maintenance, please contact us at Nation and we will help. Click here to get in touch.